Plato distinguish noun and verbs. Greek, Latin, Celtic and Germanic all had striking structural similarities.
Sir William Jones' discovery fired the imagination of scholars.
In the 20th century, the emphasis shifted from language change to language description. Ferdinand de Saussure is "the father of modern linguistic". Saussure suggesyede that language was like a game of chess, a system in wich each item is defined by its relationship to all the others. 'Structural linguistic' is sometimes misunderstood, all linguistics since de Saussure is structural, the language is a patterned system composed of interdependent elements.
Bloomfield considered that linguistics should deal objetively and systematic observable data (Bloomfield era). Items were identified and classified solely on the basis of their distribution which the corpus.
Discovery procedures: set of principales which would enable a linguistic to 'discover' in a foolproof way the linguistics units of a unwitten language.
Chomsky is the most influencial linguist od the century. He claimed tha a grammar should be more humans description of old utterence. It should also take into account posibble future utterence.